県産農産物を活用した機能性食品の研究 -加賀野菜の機能性について-

■食品加工技術研究室 林美央 道畠俊英 勝山陽子
■石川県農業総合研究センター 三輪章志
■羽二重豆腐(株) 川嶋正男
■石川県農業短期大学 矢野俊博 榎本俊樹

 石川県の伝統野菜である加賀野菜に注目し,加工食品への利用などによる地域農産物の付加価値向上を目的として,加賀野菜の機能性の検索を行った。その結果,ヘタ紫なす,加賀つるまめ,加賀れんこん,金時草などに強い抗酸化能,二塚からしなにACE阻害能,ヘタ紫なす,金時草に強い抗変異原性が認められた。また,抗酸化能と抗変異原性が強かったヘタ紫なすについては,肝毒性誘導試薬であるAAPH投与ラットを用いた実験により,ヘタ紫なす食がコントロール食と比較して,ラット血漿中のGOT, GPT活性を維持し,肝保護作用を示すことが明らかとなった。また,加賀野菜をペースト,粉末化し,がんもやプリンなど冷蔵・冷凍用惣菜の試作を行った。

Study of Functional Food Containing Local Agricultural Products
- The Functions of “Kaga-yasai ”(Traditional Vegetables of Ishikawa Prefecture)-

Mio HAYASHI, Toshihide MICHIHATA, Yoko KATSUYAMA, Shoji MIWA,Masao KAWASHIMA, Toshihiro YANO and Toshiki ENOMOTO

The name “Kaga-yasai” refers to traditional vegetables that are mainly produced in the Kanazawa area of Ishikawa Prefecture. At present, 15 vegetables are recognized as “Kaga-yasai”. In this study, we evaluated the following properties of “Kaga-yasai”: antioxidant effect, inhibitory effect on ACE and hyaluronidase, antimutagenic effect, and the improving effect on AAPH-induced liver injury of rats. The results were as follows: (1) Hetamurasaki-nasu (eggplant), kaga-tsurumame (hyacinth-bean), kaga-renkon (lotus root) and kinjisou (green leaf) had a radical antioxidant effect. (2) Futatsuka-karasina (leaf mustard) showed strong ACE inhibitory activity. (3) Hetamurasaki-nasu and kinjisou had a strong antimutagenic effect. (4) A positive correlation was found between polyphenol content, radical antioxidant effect and antimutagenic efffect. (5) The effect of hetamurasaki-nasu on the plasma elements of AAPH-administered rats was compared with the results for rats that were not fed hetamurasaki-nasu. The hetamurasaki-nasu group showed lower GOT and GPT in the plasma compared to the control group.

Keywords: Kaga-yasai, DPPH radical scavenging activity, ACE inhibitory activity, antimutagenic activity

