
■化学食品部 北川賀津一 中村静夫 市川太刀雄
■繊維生活部 江頭俊郎

 地の粉の原料となる珪藻土は輪島市の通称小峰山で産出される。この珪藻土は粘土や珪藻からなる風化珪藻泥岩と呼ばれるもので近年枯渇化が心配されている。本研究では現在利用されていない珪藻土を有効活用することを目的に研究を進めた。可塑性の乏しい珪藻土は砂分が多く,粘土鉱物が少なかった。 Ca-モンモリロナイトを15重量%以上,可塑性の乏しい珪藻土に添加すると可塑性が上がり,焼結体の強度など物性も向上した。

Applications for Porous Material

Kaduichi KITAGAWA*, Shizuo NAKAMURA*, Tachio ICHIKAWA*, Toshiro EGASHIRA**

Diatomaceous earth, the raw material of jinoko, which is used in the production of Wajima lacquerware, is produced at Mt. Komine in Wajima City. Composed of clay and diatom, it is called weathered diatomaceous mudstone. Significant quantities of good-quality diatomaceous earth have already been mined, and there is concern that it may be depleted. This study was carried out to find ways of using diatomaceous earth that is not presently being used because of its poor quality, and the following results were obtained. Diatomaceous earth with low plasticity contains more sand and less clay compared with diatomaceous earth with high plasticity. A mixture of more than 15wt% Ca-montmorillonite improved the plasticity and sintering performance of diatomaceous earth with low plasticity.

Keywords: jinoko, diatomaceous earth, plasticity, Ca-montmorillonite

