食品副産物を有効利用した食品加工技術の開発 −キャベツ加工副産物の漬物への利用−

■化学食品部 武春美 勝山陽子 辻篤史 松田章 中村靜夫
■(株)セイツー 奥村晃

キーワード: カット野菜,食品副産物,乳酸発酵

Development of a Food Processing Technology for the Effective Use of Food By-products
- Use of the By-product of Cut Cabbage for Pickles -

Harumi TAKE, Yoko KATSUYAMA, Atsushi TSUJI, Akira MATSUDA, Shizuo NAKAMURA and Akira OKUMURA

In order to effectively use the by-products of cut vegetables, we attempted to make pickles, using the outer leaves of cabbage. As a result, we found that the blanching process for cabbage was effective not only in maintaining its freshness and quality, but also in reducing its sharp taste. We identified fermenting conditions suitable for the outer leaves of cabbage, and set the expiration date for the product. Furthermore, we examined the possibility of using cabbage juice as a culture medium, instead of a synthetic medium, and confirmed that it was an effective starter for the production of lactic acid bacteria in cabbage fermentation.
Keywords : cut vegetables, food by-product, lactic acid fermentation

