
■機械金属部 高野昌宏

キーワード: 超音波モータ,リニアモータ

Improvement in Durability of Ultrasonic Linear Actuators

Masahiro TAKANO

In general, ultrasonic motors and actuators are associated with the problem of low durability compared with electromagnetic motors, due to abrasion of contact surfaces. To improve durability, fine ceramics are used for contact surfaces; however it is difficult to prevent abrasion, so motor performance decreases during a long-distance drive. In this study, for the purpose of improving the durability of the ultrasonic linear actuator that we developed, the causes of performance deterioration during long-time operation were examined. The main reason for performance deterioration was found to be an increase in the contact area, caused by abrasion. As a countermeasure, a cylindrical component that would not cause an increase in the contact area was proposed. A long-time drive test of an ultrasonic linear actuator incorporating the component was carried out, and it was confirmed that the actuator performance was maintained after a 1500 km drive.
Keywords : ultrasonic motor, linear motor

