
■機械金属部 廣崎憲一 山下順広
■東興産業(株) 辻谷正彦 間戸朋之

キーワード: 繊維強化プラスチック,穴あけ,ドリル,切削抵抗,デラミネーション

Development of Drilling Tools for Thin Panels Made of Fiber-reinforced Plastics

Kenichi HIROSAKI, Yorihiro YAMASHITA, Masahiko TSUJITANI and Tomoyuki MATO

When materials made of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) or glass fiber reinforced plastics (GFRP) are cut, problems such as uncut fibers remaining and delamination of layers can occur. This is due to the composition of FRP materials, which are made by laminating several sheets of strong fiber. These problems are particularly frequent in the case of drilling a thin FRP panel, due to the rebound motion that occurs after it bends. In this study, we proposed a new drilling tool, a “step multi-angle drill“, which consists of a small drill at the front tip and a double-angle cutting blade at the back, for the purpose of reducing cutting force that causes work bending, and preventing uncut fibers and delamination. In a drilling test conducted on thin GFRP panels in an overhung condition, the proposed drilling tool prevented bending of the works by reducing the maximum cutting force, and improved the quality of cut holes compared with a conventional tool, even though the test was conducted at a feeding speed twice as high as the normal operation speed.
Keywords: FRP, drilling, drill, cutting force, delamination

