
■企画指導部 森大介
■繊維生活部 吉村治 守田啓輔
■丸井織物(株) 永井章裕 忍久保正治

キーワード: 組紐,炭素繊維,炭素繊維強化複合材料

Development of a 3-D Braid for Tubular Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic

Daisuke MORI, Osamu YOSHIMURA, Keisuke MORITA, Akihiro NAGAI and Masaharu SHINOKUBO

A braid is a type of textile product, along with woven fabric and knit fabric. A braid is formed when obliquely crossed yarns are inclined relative to the longitudinal axis. There are two kinds of braids: flat braid and corded braid. The braid was used in the pattern of Jomon pottery in ancient times in Japan; since the Middle Ages, there has been a significant increase in the number of people who use it for the obi of kimonos, etc. In recent years, the braid has been used for shoestrings, ropes and the straps of mobile telephones. The braid is used in carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) for the reinforced material. CFRP has been applied in the space and aeronautical fields. In the near future, there is expected to be a growth in the demand for CFRP in the automotive and industrial machinery fields.In this study, the relationship between the velocity of the mandrel and the rotating velocity of the braid carrier was researched through experimentation and simulation in order to apply the braid to CFRPs that are gourd- and cone-shaped.
Keywords : braid, carbon fiber, CFRP

