
■電子情報部 林克明
■金沢大学 中川弘勝 前川雅俊 木村春彦

キーワード: 認証, FPGA, マイクロコントローラ

Development of an Authentication System for Improvement of Safe Device Connection

Katsuaki HAYASHI, Hirokatsu NAKAGAWA,Masatoshi MAEKAWA and Haruhiko KIMURA

Unification and universalization of product standards have made it possible to connect devices more easily. However, there is a greater possibility of false connection or unauthorized connection than before, since devices are connected more routinely. Authentication is effective in preventing these problems. In this study, we developed an authentication system in the form of a hardware component, which can be applied to the connection of devices without processors. The program for the system for PCs was developed first, and then modified for FPGAs and microcontrollers. Finally, we measured processing time and confirmed the effectiveness of our system by means of an authentication experiment.
Keywords : Authentication, FPGA, Microcontroller

