X線による金属材料硬さの非接触小型評価装置の開発 − 非接触・非破壊で金属材料の硬さを評価−

■機械金属部 鷹合滋樹 安井治之 中島明哉
■(独)物質・材料研究機構 桜井健次
■金沢大学 佐々木敏彦 広瀬幸雄

キーワード: 硬さ試験,非破壊検査,X線回折,X線半価幅,小型評価装置

Development of a Portable Instrument for Non-Destructive Hardness Testing of Metal Materials Using X-Ray Diffraction
- Non-Contact and Non-Destructive Evaluation for Hardness of Metal Material -

Shigeki TAKAGO, Haruyuki YASUI, Akichika NAKASHIMA, Kenji SAKURAI, Toshihiko SASAKI and Yukio HIROSE

A hardness test for the quality control of machine parts is widely used to estimate the strength of materials in industry. In the present study, the effectiveness of the non-destructive hardness test using X-ray diffraction was investigated in order to establish a complete inspection system for steelwork production lines. Specifically, the relationship between hardness of the heat-treated steel material and the X-ray full width at half maximum was systematically studied. In addition, a small-size hardness evaluation device with low electrical power consumption was developed by combining an air-cooled X-ray generator and a CCD (charge-coupled device) detector. As a result, it is understood that the relationship between hardness and X-ray half-value width of steel shows a particular correlativity having an inflection point, and this profile depends on carbon concentration. Moreover, hardness is clarified by X-ray data accuracy to high-carbon chromium bearing steel (JIS-SUJ2) using a calibration curve method. In addition, it was found that the X-ray half-value width data obtained from this newly developed portable instrument achieves the same accuracy level as that from a general Xray instrument.
Keywords : hardness, non-destructive inspection, X-ray diffraction, full width at half maximum, portable instrument

