
■機械金属部 高野昌宏 新谷隆二


Study on Damage Assessment of Machines

Masahiro TAKANO and Ryuji SINTANI

With upsizing and upgrading of machines, the demand for machine safety and reliability has increased, and periodical inspections for checking damage to machines are conducted more frequently. Recently, as a new approach to the detection of damage to machines, the health-monitoring techniques of self-diagnosis and damage assessment have been investigated. In this report, the health-monitoring technique was used for the hook of a construction machine. We estimated the crack length in the hook by examining changes in dynamic characteristics, namely natural frequency, and by calculating the value based on two kinds of response surface methods ― those using normal and dynamical criteria. As a result, the response surface method using dynamical criteria resulted in higher precision, with a smaller difference between actual and predicted crack lengths.

Keywords:damage detection, damage assessment, natural frequencies, response surface method

