平成14年度研究報告 VOL.52  

 機械電子部 ○廣崎憲一 舟田義則 坂谷勝明

 チタン合金の切削加工においては,一般に工具刃先の温度上昇が著しく,工具と被削材との間に激しい溶着現象が引き起こされ,その結果比較的少ない切削加工距離で工具損傷が発生する。そこで,本研究ではチタン合金の加工能率の改善を図るため,高い耐熱性を示すバインダレスcBN工具の適用を提案した。Ti-6Al-4V合金を被削材とし,切削速度250m/min, 送り速度0.15mm/rev, 切り込み量0.5mm,及び高圧クーラントを供給する高速加工条件下で旋削加工実験を行った結果,バインダレスcBN工具は逃げ面摩耗幅0.1mm到達時で切削距離が2400mであり,超硬合金,cBN, 多結晶ダイヤモンド工具に比べ,著しく工具摩耗が抑えられ,鋭利な工具刃先が維持されることがわかった。

 High Speed Cutting of Titanium Alloy using a Binderless cBN Tool
 Kenichi HIROSAKI, Yoshinori FUNADA and Katsuaki SAKAYA

In general, the temperature rise in the cutting edge is significant in cutting process of titanium, and it promotes strongly the adhesion between tools and work materials, resulting in tool failure in relatively short duration. Therefore, in order to improve processing efficiency of cutting of titanium alloys, a binderless cBN tool which had a high temperature durability was proposed to apply in cutting of titanium alloy. Turning tests of Ti-6Al-4V alloy were conducted under a high speed condition in cutting speed of 250m/min, feed rate of 0.15mm/rev, depth of cut of 0.5mm with an application of a high pressure coolant. As a result, the cutting length was 2400m when the width of flank wear land of the tool reached to 0.1mm, and it was confirmed that a binderless cBN tool exhibited very low tool wear and kept sharp cutting edge compared to the tools made of conventional materials such as sintered carbide, cBN and polycrystalline diamond with Co-based binder.

  titanium alloy, binderless cBN tool, tool wear, high speed cutting

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