
■電子情報部 米沢裕司 田村陽一

キーワード: 信号入力ボード,FPGA,信号処理,USB

Development of a Sophisticated Data Acquisition Board by Using FPGA

Yuji YONEZAWA and Youichi TAMURA

In personal-computer-based inspection machines and measuring machines, sensor data are acquired by data acquisition boards and processed by personal computers. However, when mass data such as image data are processed at high speed, the processing performance of the personal computer might be insufficient. Moreover, if there is machine trouble related to sensor signals, a lot of time might be required to determine the cause. Therefore, to solve these problems, we developed a data acquisition board by using a field programmable gate array (FPGA). The board has the functions of high-speed processing and sensor data storing in addition to the data acquisition function.
Keywords : data acquisition board, FPGA, signal processing, USB

